Monday, October 03, 2005

In Driving...

When i was a kid, i thought the most wonderful job is to be a security guard. It was about 6th grade when i thought being a security guard is not the most wonderful job afterall - it was being a policeman. Years passed and I felt the dream of becoming a policeman slowly vanishing to an after thought.

Highschool brought so many prizes, including awards in science and mathematics. And my then-highly-arithmetic self counted my options and summed a decision that will ultimately make me who I am now. I chose to venture into engineering studies to put my mathematical skills into good use. I could've chosen accountancy, but my young, close-minded perception of it classify this bs degree to girls and girly things - so I opted out - and so engineering it was.

Now a graduate student, still of engineering, i was wondering if i made the right choice. I found out that it was being a driver.


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